Chakra Healing, Crystals & Clarity, Healing Packages, Positive Affirmations, Sage/ Incense

Modern Soulful Living – Crystal Healing Starter Collection

Modern Soulful Living – Signature Crystal Healing Starter Collection: 

  • Sage – for cleansing crystals and cleansing the space in your home from negative energy. State your prayers while waving the smoke across the stones. Do in an open area, near window or outside.
  • Selenite Wand – useful tool for removing energy blockages in the body and from stones. Wave the wand in the direction that you want to transfer energy and state your affirmation. 
  • Intention/ Spell Candle – to charge intentions in stones. State your intentions and affirmations. Make you wish and let burn out naturally. 
  • 6 medium tumbled starter meditation stones:
    • Clear Quartz  (clear stone) – Helps with connection to the higher self, raises spiritual vibration, pure white light healing 
    • Rose Quartz (pink stone) – Rose Quartz is a stone of the heart. It is frequently used to heal emotional stress associated with relationship issues, breakups, sadness and bereavement.
    • Amethyst (purple stone) – Helps with mental stress, anxiety, mental blocks, addiction and encourages perceptiveness/awareness. It is associated with the opening of the 7th chakra, higher self connection, and spirit guide communication. Amethyst is one of the most calming stones to have in your collection.
    • Tiger’s Eye (golden yellow stone) – strengthens the mind, the emotions, the body, self-confidence and the willpower to take action. It stimulates creativity, decisiveness, motivation and can be used as a powerful amulet against curses or ill-wishing. In a crystal healing setting, it is known to aid in healing mental illnesses, bone problems, fatigue, endocrine disorders, and helps one cope with difficult times.
    • Lapis Lazuli (blue stone) – known in both Egypt and Mesopotamia as ‘the stone of rulers’ and was utilized for cult and ritual purposes. It would also be crushed and rubbed onto the scalp to expel spiritual impurities and promote enlightenment.
    • Blue Howlite Turquoise (turquiose stone) – Represents healing, wisdom, and wealth. Often used for money spells and healing. It reduces anxiety, tension, stress and anger, it is gentle, soothing and calms the energy around you. Turquoise is associated with the throat chakra and communication.

_Gemstones and Their Meanings_ Flyer